配送について About Shipping
We are passionate about the environment. As we sell bulk food and goods please be aware that most of our items are not conventionally packaged.
Products for delivery are packed in biodegradable and compostable unbleached paper bags made from sustainably sourced materials and sealed only with a compostable paper tape and a quality display label.
Wherever possible, we try to minimize waste and the use of plastic. However, when sending items across Japan, it is also important that your goods arrive safely. When necessary we use a recycled paperboard cushion called ‘Wonder Eco’ which is made from biodegradable and compostable material that can be thrown as "Moeru Gomi = combustible waste". Products are then packed into cardboard boxes made from recycled materials. The tape we use on the outside of our boxes is biodegradable. We send our honey, sauces, cooking liquids and oils in glass jars/bottles.
By ordering on this site you agree to have us pack the goods the best way we see fit. We are always striving to reduce our waste and footprint as well as continually improving the way we do things.
道内は¥5,400 (税込) 以上お買い上げで送料無料。本州は¥8,640
(税込) 以上で送料無料。沖縄(離島を含む)は¥10,800
(税込) 以上で送料無料。
Free shipping on orders over ¥5,400 (Incl. tax) in Hokkaido, ¥8,640 (Incl. tax) in Honshu, ¥10,800 (Incl. tax) in Okinawa.
Shipping cost and methods vary depending on the total weight of the purchased items and the shipping area. The total weight will be calculated automatically through online site and the shipping fee will be calculated accordingly. However, depending on the selected items, we may contact you to change the size and increase the fee in case the purchased items can not fit within the calculated box size.
購入商品の総重量が〜800gで、且つ長辺34cm /短辺25cm/厚み3cm以内に収まる場合(ワレモノを除く)
If the total weight of the purchased items are less than 800g, and fits within 34cm/25cm/3cm sized box (No fragile items)
全国一律 250円(クリックポスト利用。資材費を含む)
※陸路運送のため日数がかかリます。遠方であれば4日〜6日かかる場合がございます(例:北海道→九州 5日程度 )
If the total weight of the purchased items are between 800g to 1200g, and fits within A4 sized "Letter Pack" envelope. (No fragile items)
全国一律 520円(レターパックプラス利用。資材費を含む)
Other than above two sizes (Japan Post Chart below)
サイズ | 北海道 | 北東北 | 南東北 | 関東 | 信越 | 北陸 | 中部 | 関西 | 中国 | 四国 | 九州 | 沖縄 |
北海道 | 青森県 秋田県 岩手県 |
宮城県 山形県 福島県 |
茨城県 |
新潟県 長野県 |
富山県 石川県 福井県 |
静岡県 愛知県 三重県 岐阜県 |
大阪府 京都府 滋賀県 奈良県 和歌山 県 兵庫県 |
岡山県 広島県 山口県 鳥取県 島根県 |
香川県 徳島県 愛媛県 高知県 |
福岡県 佐賀県 長崎県 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 |
沖縄県 | |
60(2kg以内) |
770 | 930 | 1010 | 1090 | 1090 | 1170 | 1170 | 1330 | 1410 | 1410 | 1570 | 1570 |
80(5kg以内) | 930 | 1090 | 1170 | 1250 | 1250 | 1330 | 1330 | 1490 | 1570 | 1570 | 1730 | 1970 |
100(10kg以内) | 1110 | 1270 | 1350 | 1430 | 1430 | 1510 | 1510 | 1670 | 1750 | 1750 | 1910 | 2390 |
120(15kg以内) | 1270 | 1430 | 1510 | 1590 | 1590 | 1670 | 1670 | 1830 | 1910 | 1910 | 2070 | 2790 |
140(20kg以内) | 1440 | 1600 | 1680 | 1760 | 1760 | 1840 | 1840 | 2000 | 2080 | 2080 | 2240 | 3200 |
160(25kg以内) | 1600 | 1760 | 1840 | 1920 | 1920 | 2000 | 2000 | 2160 | 2240 | 2240 | 2400 | 3600 |